Meet Singles In Salisbury - Find Salisbury Dating Sites


man and woman about to feed each otherman and woman about to feed each other

BeChoosie is a dating site dedicated to helping singles on your wavelength

Local Mature Dating

smiling woman in shallow focus photographysmiling woman in shallow focus photography

If you're over 45 and looking for love try Local Mature Dating. It's designed specifically with over 45s in mind...


person in white long sleeve shirt and black pantsperson in white long sleeve shirt and black pants

Looking for an online dating site dedicated to helping widows and widowers find love?

Find Christian Friends

photo of man reading book to woman under grey cloudy skyphoto of man reading book to woman under grey cloudy sky

Want to find christian friends online? Try this Christian dating site now


two person holding hands while standingtwo person holding hands while standing

Find dates who love the great outdoors!

PurrDates - Cat Lovers Dating

woman carrying cat while standing on porchwoman carrying cat while standing on porch

Online Dating just for cat lovers. Join for free today.

Tag Along - Dog Lovers Dating

couple sitting on sofa beside dog inside roomcouple sitting on sofa beside dog inside room

Find singles who love dogs just as much as you do!

Live Vegan, Date Vegan

man and woman cookingman and woman cooking

An online dating site dedicated to helping single vegans meet and find love


woman in pink long sleeve shirt and blue denim shorts smilingwoman in pink long sleeve shirt and blue denim shorts smiling

Are you a BBW or BBW lover? Try this BBW dating site today

Disabled Love

An online dating site dedicated to helping disabled singles find companionship

Date Player 2

two people playing Sony PS4 game consoletwo people playing Sony PS4 game console

A dating site just for gamers! Find your player 2.

Buddy Gays